What is resume? What do you mean by curriculum vitae (cv)?

What is resume? Or, What do you mean by curriculum vitae (cv)?

Curriculum vitae is latin. Leterally meaning the course of one’s life.
“A curriculum vitae (cv) sets out one’s personal detail’s, education, qualifications and working experience.
Make sure he organizes all the information logically under headings and use columns where appropriate.
All his details can then be fond at a glance.

A recent trend in writing application letters is to write it in two parts: (i) The application letter itself.
Containing an appeal to the prospective employer, and (ii) The Bio-data or personal record sheet, that gives a detailed information about the personal qualities, education, experience, etc.
of the applicant.
This form is generally preferred by those who have something worth telling about their qualifications and experience, but those having just a normal or-not-so-good a record of education and experience prefer to write everything in the main application itself.

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Seeking employment by sending a data sheet, also called a resume.
With an application letter is always appropriate, one is attempting to sell his talents on paper, most prospective employers welcome these employment communications.
The data sheet and application letter can be his most important job hunting tools.
He is hoping the employer will invite him for a interview where he can sell his talents in person.
Thus the quality of their preparation is crucial to getting a job interview.

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